Monday 8 January 2018

GOD - Just a perception or a reality?

This is the first time I am posting on my blog. So, I thought what better way to start my blog other than this?

GOD - The superior Almighty, the supreme entity, the ruler of the universe, the creator, the preserver, the destroyer, the alpha and the omega, the all powerful, and so on. There can be as many explanations for this magnificent word as the number of believers and devotees on earth. But which is the correct one?  Which is the perfect one? Which of them are the most logical ones? Which of them cannot be undermined?

Lord Shiva - महादेव ( The Greatest God)

To be honest the word God is the most profound word in the entire dictionary. You can search for its meaning in thousands of dictionaries and still your psych won't be satiated with the given explanations. This is because there is no explanation which can describe its magnificence, its glory, its halo, its veneration in mere words.

What we as humans tend to believe is just a bit of our imagination. We create a physical form of God in our own human image or close to it. Be it the Mahadev, Jesus Christ or any other god from the numerous religions. On the other hand we also tend to believe that God is one. To avoid conflicts we can say that we all worship the same god. Doesn't matter we call it by a million names. We also tend to believe that Gods used to live on the same earth on which we are residing millenia ago or so.

Lord Hanuman - बजरंग बली - A loyal and unswerving devotee of Lord Ram

What perplexes me is that how can a being(or entity?) of infinite greatness, unlimited powers and immense magnificence be confined to a mere human form or any physical form. How can the God be imagined within any physical perception? How can we expect to sense it with our futile senses? How does it sound just?

It is a popular saying for god which goes as-

"आदि ना अंत तुम्हारा"

Meaning you have no fixed beginning and no fixed ending. So how can we attempt to limit God into any physical form. 

Lord Ram - मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम (The most dignified man ever)

I personally am a Hindu and I believe in the gods. It doesn't mean that I believe in the physical perceptions of God provided to us. I believe that God is limitless, unbound, infinite, immeasurable, everlasting and cosmic. In other words God is everywhere. It is not just limited to our earth. It extends across the universe and beyond. It isn't just bound to a single dimension or reality. It is extended across all the alternate dimensions and realities. It isn't bound to a single belief, it exists beyond thoughts and imaginations. The God is beyond any physical perception.

Lord Ganesh - The Lord of the people.
The million dollar question is Does God really exist? Well, that is a question whose answer is completely dependent on the person who this question is being asked to. If you ask a non-believer he/she will straight away shoot a negative response. Well, I am a believer. As I said earlier I don't believe in the physical perceptions of god that are very conveniently available to us. I believe that God exists along with us. The whole Universe and beyond. The earth, the air, the water, the trees, the energy, the space, the emotions, the thoughts, the love, the language, even in ourselves and everything. God is everywhere. They all provide us with the means necessary to survive. They all look after us so that we may continue to live. They enable to look after each other.

Lord Shiva and Sati - Better part of themselves. The perfect couple.
"You don't need to find GOD in any temple, any mosque, any church or any sanctum. GOD is spontaneous, unpredictable and universal. You can find GOD in the most unexpected places. The best and nearest place to seek for GOD is in yourself. Once you find GOD, you won't need to visit any sanctum or idol to depict and render your devotion. Once you find GOD, you won't need anything else in the world. The achievement of the immovable and unswerving belief in the statement that GOD exists in each and every one of us, that's when I believe NIRVANA is attained."

What do you think? Do you believe in GOD? Do share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments. If you like this article, please share it with friends and family. Thank you.

"ॐ नमः शिवाय "
"हर हर महादेव"

Image Source - Google Images.


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GOD - Just a perception or a reality?